A simple name game and get to know you game. Everyone in a circle. Take it in turns to say your name and your favourite life hack or little life tip. For instance “Hi everyone I’m Steve, and my life hack is to eat pak choi as it full of nutrients and fixes everything.”

Russ laughing at Hoopla

A fun way to end a workshop or rehearsal. Everyone stood in a circle. Anybody at any time says something they remembered and enjoyed about the session. Everyone else shouts “yeah” and mimes throwing that thing into a cauldron into the middle of the circle. Everyone else takes turns throwing their favourite memories into the[…]

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impro workshop

This is probably one of the most popular warm up games ever. The whole group stand in one massive circle. Level 1: One person says “Bunny Bunny” while miming bunny ears with their hands to themself, and then says “Bunny Bunny” again while miming bunny hands pointing to someone else in the circle. The person[…]

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This is a great game for practicing Yes And, especially for beginners. Two improvisers. Both of them are working for a TV Shopping Channel and they are selling a product live to the audience. Each line starts with “That’s Right Bob” or any other name, and they are going line by line accepting and building[…]

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Hoopla impro workshop

This is a lovely game to get the group connected together and supporting each other. It also teaches giving up control on stage and finding offers from what’s happening around you. A group of around 5 improvisers enter the stage and take a formation as if they are a professional dance outfit about to compete[…]

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This is a lovely game to get the group connected together and supporting each other. It also teaches giving up control on stage. A group of around 5 improvisers stand in formation on stage as if they are doing a Tai Chi class. They are all facing the same direction. Whoever is in front moves[…]

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This is a fantastic exercise for bringing together a new group and helping each other get to know each other through scenes. It is also excellent at encouraging trust, support and teamwork in a group. This game also helps people to learn how to bring their scene partner joy on stage and to make each[…]

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Hoopla impro workshop

This game is really good for teaching immediate support and agreement on stage. It teaches the spirit of improvisation, it’s not necessarily how you would start every scene and game. 5 people are on the sides of the stage. One person steps on stage and says and does something that immediately establishes a location or[…]

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Spotlight fight and match red and blue smoke background.

This is a great way to form a team and encourage people to support each other in a class. At the start of the class put people in teams of 2-3 people. They then have 2-3 minutes to come up with a new secret handshake or high 5, and then have a chat together about[…]

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Spotlight fight and match red and blue smoke background.

A really simple name game that’s also great at welcoming people to the workshop and creating a supportive environment. Everyone stood in a circle. The first person says their own name and then says “and this is…..” The person next to them then says their own name and receives a massive around of applause just[…]

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A group of people pointing and laughing

Circuits (Pattern Game) Description Have everyone stand in a circle. One person points to another and says any word. That person points to another and says another word that would belong on the same list. Continue until everyone is pointing at someone else and the list has gone back to the original person. Go through[…]

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Long Form Improv Course at Hoopla

Chat Then Add Activity Start with two people on stage. The audience gives them a topic of conversation. They can play themselves or characters. After the conversation has started flowing, give them an activity to perform. They should keep talking about the topic and not what they are doing.