After Party
An occasional late night show running every six weeks or so after our main shows on Friday or Saturday nights.
After Parties usually start around 10pm and run until midnight.
We’re looking for wild and experimental ideas that would suit a late night crowd. If it would work at The Hoopla Improv Marathon, it would probably also work at the After Party.
We’re most likely to book 10-20 minute acts that we would then put together into a line up over the evening.
Please note it is very tricky to bring in an audience after 10pm so we can’t guarantee the sold out audiences we get for our main stage shows.
Application notes
- The show is usually free so is unpaid. If the event does switch to paid tickets we operate on a 70/30 split with 70% of ticket income split between performing groups depending on how long their set is, and the remaining 30% to Hoopla to help cover venue costs and staff costs.
- We don’t book much soloprov or twoprov, we mainly book groups of 3+, so that more people can be involved with the night.
- We try to fit everyone in but due to limited space and high demand we can’t guarantee a spot for everyone.
What we look for
If your team is booked to play at Hoopla your group will be expected to do the following things:
- Put on the show you have been booked for.
- Bring your full cast that’s as expected for your show.
- Put on your best show.
- Bring in an audience.
- Promote the event on social media (@hooplaimpro), as a group and also as individual cast members.
- Share cast photos at the event on social media (@hooplaimpro).
- Stay until the end of the event to support the other acts.
We monitor these points and use them when deciding whether to then offer your group more dates in the future and when potentially progressing shows to other nights.