
The UK’s first pan-Asian improv troupe! With shows and workshops at Hoopla and across the UK. [email protected]

Spotlight fight and match red and blue smoke background.

An improvised poetry slam. Two teams, either side of the stage, given team names by the audience. On each round the audience give them a theme, word or title and one player from each steps forwards and improvises a poem from that suggestion. Playing Tips Variety. Try different styles of poems from who has been[…]

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Comedy show by circus jugglers

Scene starts with three improvisers playing noticeably different characters from each other. When the host says “switch” they switch places and take over each others characters and carry on the scene. Switch is said repeatedly. Playing Tips Make the characters different from each other at the start: physical, emotional, vocal or status differences work well.[…]

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Spotlight fight and match red and blue smoke background.

A helpful exercise for learning Game of the Scene, especially about delaying the funny to build a believable platform and also for spotting the first unusual thing. Two people on stage. They are given a situation. They improvise that situation as normally and realistically as possible, without any attempt to funny. When something unusual/funny/ridiculous happens[…]

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Spotlight fight and match red and blue smoke background.

A good game to help group mind and support. Everyone stood in a circle. Eyes closed. One person stars making any sound of an instrument or any musical sound with their voice. Could be a drum, a piano, a violin, la la la. Everyone joins in and backs them up by doing the same sound.[…]

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Spotlight fight and match red and blue smoke background.

A fun way to end a workshop. Everyone takes it in turns to say something motivational to the class in the motivational speaker character of their choice.

Spotlight fight and match red and blue smoke background.

Everyone stood in a circle at start of class. Each person takes it in turn to say their name and a boring fact about themselves, but said in the emotional tone as if it was a really exciting fact. The class then gives them a huge round of applause as if what they said was[…]

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Spotlight fight and match red and blue smoke background.

Step on stage to build a relationship From Keith Johnstone. Telling improvisers to get on stage and “do a scene” can be less helpful than saying “build a relationship”. Going on stage to build a relationship means we have something we can actually do and means we go on stage focussed on each other and[…]

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Spotlight fight and match red and blue smoke background.

Repeated Scene A helpful exercise for discovering the full potential in offers and also helpful for discovering what a scene is about and the game of the scene. 1. Two improvisers improvise a scene from suggestion. 2. Two different improvisers then re-do that scene with roughly those lines and roughly that order. 3. Two different[…]

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Spotlight fight and match red and blue smoke background.

Meditation to scenes Two people on stage. Sat facing each other at any distance. They close their eyes. Music is played. While the music is played they connect to how they feel in the present moment. They allow that emotion to increase. Their body may start to match that feeling. When the music fades down[…]

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Spotlight fight and match red and blue smoke background.

John Cremer characters and scenes We’ve named this after John Cremer from The Maydays as we learnt it from him. So often in life we are having to pretend. We may have something going on in our life, or feeling a certain way, and yet then have to put on our professional face and go[…]

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bag objects

Object Circle Exercise for teaching object work (miming objects in improv scenes). Everyone sat in a circle. Done without words. Around 4 people mime a different object each, believing the weight, shape and the size of it. They interact with it and show it to the person next to them. That person takes it off[…]

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