Oracle involves four people, set behind each other. One at the front sitting on the floor, one behind sat on a chair, the one behind that standing and the last one stood on a chair. That way we can see all their faces. Oracle is a brilliant low stakes word at a time short form game.
The host simply takes big life questions from the audience, like ‘Is there a God?’ and ‘Why are we here?’ or ‘Will England win the World Cup’ and then asks the Oracle, who answers it a word at a time (per person). When Oracle is in action everyone’s arms wave to the side. When Oracle is in silent contemplation everyone’s hands are together in a kind of ‘prayer’ pose.
It’s funny, simple and daft. And being word at a time you can guess how wise oracle sounds. Sometimes very. Sometimes just plain ridiculous!
Audience question: What is love?
Player A: Love
Player B: is
Player C: hot
Player D: chocolate
Player A: on
Player B: a
Player C: rainy
Player D: day.
Teaching Purpose
In this game listening and being obvious are important, as you follow what the previous person has said. You don’t have to make complete sense or try to be funny; just say the first thing that comes to you.
- Similarly, see Wise Wise Wise
Show Introduction
“This game is called Oracle. We have an Oracle with us, who can answer the questions of life. Can I get some questions for the Oracle?”
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