Wise Wise Wise

Wise Wise Wise


The group stands in a circle, and a speaking a word at a time they make up proverbs and wise sayings. When they think the proverb is finished the group says “wise wise wise” and bow.


Player 1: Consider

Player 2: yourself

Player 3: when

Player 4: you

Player 5: are

Player 1: thinking;

Player 2: consider

Player 3: others

Player 4: when

Player 5: you

Player 1: are

Player 2: speaking.

ALL: Wise wise wise

(From a Gamez rehearsal)

Additional Tips for Playing

  • If you can say the opposite in the second half of the saying it can sound like a real saying! For example if it starts with “Never”, then start with “always” for the second half.


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