The Alphabet Game
Players do a scene where each line starts with the next letter of the alphabet.
Location: Sweet Shop
Improviser A: Can I help you?
Improviser B: Do you sell flying saucers?
Improviser A: Excitingly we just got in these giant ones!
Improviser B: Fantastic I just love the sweet sweet taste of sugar.
Improviser A: Good thing you’ve come here then, this shop’s full of it.
Improviser B: Have you got any other giant versions of sweets?
Improviser A: Indeed I do – this toffee is so big you won’t be able to speak again!
Improviser B: Just wonderful! I can give this to my annoying boss.
Improviser A: Knock on his office door and pretend it’s a gift!
Improviser B: Love you, I think I love you and you’ve solved all my problems.
Improviser A: Maybe we should get married, luckily I’ve got a Haribo ring to hand.
Additional Tips for Playing
- Just keep talking! The pausing to think it what makes the game difficult.
Show Introduction
“This is called the Alphabet Game. For this each player must start their line with the next letter of the alphabet. Can I get a letter of the alphabet?”
Originally from Keith Johnstone’s Impro For Storytellers.
This game is in the following categories:
Fun Thing
Short-Form Games
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