Yes And
Players do a scene where every sentence starts with the words “Yes and”.
Player A: Welcome agent, this is a very important mission.
Player B: Yes, and it’s top secret!
Player A: Yes, and we’d better get cracking!
Player B: Yes, and I’ll go in first and you follow behind.
Player A: Yes, and I’ll keep looking behind to make sure nothing sneaks up on us!
Player B: Yes, and I’ve got the net.
Player A: Yes, and I’ve got the marshmallows.
Player B: Yes, and I’m so glad to be doing this mission with you.
Player A: Yes, and our mums are going to be so proud.
Player B: Yes, and so will my sister!
Player A: Yes, and I think I can see something.
Player B: Yes, and it’s huge!
Player A: Yes, and it’s coming towards us.
Player B: Yes, and IT’S A MUTANT M&M AHHHHHH
Teaching Purpose
Gets people used to accepting offers (yes), and building on them (and).
- Can also be done as a story instead of a scene.
- A similar exercise is “That’s right Bob”, where players are selling an item on a shopping channel. Each sentence starts with “That’s right Bob”, and adds another quality about the product.
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