Meet & Greet Walkabout

Meet & Greet Walkabout


Everyone walks around the room, saying hello and meeting and greeting each other in different ways suggested by the teacher. For example they could be roommates, rivals, colleagues, best friends, two people that pass each other every day and nod at each other.

Suggested Characters

  • Best friends.
  • Surfer dudes.
  • Victorians.
  • Confident business people.
  • Elves.
  • Goblins.
  • High school crush.
  • Arch enemies.
  • Fellow super hero.

Teaching Purpose

It is a good way of trying lots of characters without thinking too much, and breaks the ice. It is a good game for early in a workshop as it helps people connect in different ways and breaks them out of habitual status and character so they are ready to try out different characters, emotions and physicality over the workshop.

It’s a character exercise in disguise, and very good for people new to improv as they get to play different characters without  having to do anything in front of an audience and without criticism.

It also encourages eye contact.


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Hoopla are the UK’s first improv theatre and the UK’s biggest improv school with fun and friendly improv shows and classes every day of the week in London and across the UK. We provide fantastic ongoing performing opportunities to students from our courses and a warm, welcoming and supportive community to help make improv for everyone.

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