Creatures of the Deep
Everyone stands in a circle.
The teacher imitates a of a creature of the deep to the person next to them. For instance they do an impression of a jellyfish.
That person next to them copies what they just saw and passes it on to the person next to them. They then pass it on to the person next to them. It will gradually change as it goes around, and will go round the circle again and again.
The teacher or others adds in new creatures, so lots are going around the circle at once.
Teaching Purpose
This is a great way to help students create a group mind and being present in the moment. Learning to listen to body language and using physicality to create characters. Having fun with mistakes! No one will be able to copy each other perfectly therefore it’s time to let go of the fear of failure and have fun!
Also for beginners, this is a great introduction to escalating. The game will natural escalate and heightening without any pressure to do so.
Additional Tips for Playing
- Copy the creature that was just passed onto you not what you saw before. Stay present to what is actually happening.
- Play around with starting with different size movements. i.e the first creature sent around might be a small gesture and the last one might start very big.
- Have fun with it!
Invented by Steve Roe at Hoopla!
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Hoopla are the UK’s first improv theatre and the UK’s biggest improv school with fun and friendly improv shows and classes every day of the week in London UK. We provide fantastic ongoing performing opportunities to students from our courses and a warm, welcoming and supportive community to help make improv for everyone.