Character dial-up
Everyone stood in a big circle.
Someone starts things off by taking a small character quirk and saying a line of dialogue as that character.
The person next to them copies the character and dialogue, and cranks it up by 1%.
The person next to them copies them, and again cranks it up.
Eventually the character and line of dialogue is passing around the circle, each time cranking up the affectations by 1%.
You can also add in more characters and have multiple ones going at once.
By the end, when you’ve got 4 or 5 going, it looks like an absolute nonsense mess and is extremely funny.
Top Tips
- Copy the character that has actually just happened, not just the original one.
- Pay attention to everything, the position of body, the voice, the emotion.
Learning Objectives
- Playing with character.
- Escalating character.
- Commitment.
- Listening.
- Physical play.
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