Am Fm Radio

Am Fm Radio


We invented this game but have never actually played it on stage yet!

Actors go on stage and freeze in a random position. Lights go down. An am/fm radio station is selected at random by an audience member by scrolling through an old-school radio using a dial. The radio plays over the PA system of the theatre. The actors move and mouth along to the radio. When the radio sound is turned down the actors take over and continue with a scene inspired with what they heard on the radio. Then throughout the game every now and then the lights go back down, the actors freeze again, and a new radio selection is made.

Teaching Purpose

This is mainly for fun and for shows, but it also teaches listening and being emotionally affected by an external inspiration. It also teaches justifying as the actors have to weave the unexpected into their scenes.

Additional Tips for Playing

Remember to thank the audience member and make them look good!

Check the tech before the show so it seamlessly connects to the venue’s PA system.


This could also be played with random podcasts, TV stations or youtube videos selected at random.

Show Introduction

“This is called AM/FM Radio. One of you is going to randomly select a radio station that will inspire our scenes. When the volume is up the actors will mouth along, and when the volume is down the actors will take over”.


Hoopla invented it!

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Hoopla are the UK’s first improv theatre and the UK’s biggest improv school with fun and friendly improv shows and improv classes every day of the week in London and across the UK. We provide fantastic ongoing performing opportunities to students from our courses and a warm, welcoming and supportive community to help make improv for everyone.


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