Loads of reasons why I loved last night’s Impro Jam at The Miller, here are the first things that come to mind:
- Constantine being asked to run a warm up there and then, not skipping a beat, running one even when it rapily grew into 30 people or more, getting everyone in the right mood. Thanks buddy!
- Svarvar working out a tower of electrics to get the music working. Spinal Tap award for turning it up to 11.
- The new Miller stage being awesome. Was a bit worried we’d loose some of the atmosphere with the refurb, but actually the venue has got even more atmosphere than ever and also looks super professional. Having a proper big stage, and decent lights (with colours!), sound proofing and better seating is amazing for impro.
- Iain holding back through a whole game because his character wasn’t needed, even though he knew there wouldn’t be much stage time that night. Then immediately appearing in the next game and rocking it, including memory of all Apollo Moon Landing astronauts. Very giving, we salute you!
- Looking at Barbara on the floor while being dead and laughing while Sarah repeatedly said the word goblin. She must have said it about 100 times, funny every time.
- Funniest and simplest ever Game of the Scene for Shem and Pete. Pete gets told to ‘get out of my bar’ in a Western, says ‘OK’ in an upbeat way and leaves. Queue a series of scenes of Pete being asked to leave places.
- James Kindberg relentlessly getting a McDonalds reference into every scene.
- The return of old skool party quirks and storyteller die, alongside a flurry of new stuff including amazing new game launched – Charactergasm.
- Tonnes of awesome scenes and a huge range of different characters being played.
- At least 5 people doing their first ever impro show and rocking it. At least 10 more doing their second ever impro show and rocking it.
- People who don’t know each other jumping on stage with enthusiasm and busting out awesome scenes together from I don’t know where.
- Amazing spirit on stage – carefree playfulness, bravery, commitment, support.
- New groups being formed in the bar afterwards.
- People coming to support their friends on stage.
- People who hadn’t seen impro before, and didn’t know what it was, walking away at the end of the night saying “I love impro”.
I’m just amazed that it works at all, that people can get up on stage from the audience at random, work with people they don’t know, and yet create something beautiful.
Lots of love,