Party Quirks
One player is the host of a party. They exit the room while the other players (the guests) are given character quirks by the audience, for instance a physical quirk, a person from history, a celebrity or an action they have to do whenever a certain thing happens. The host then comes back to the stage once and the guests ring the doorbell and enter the party one by one. The host has to guess the quirks while playing the scene of hosting the party.
Teaching Purpose
This game is great for beginner improvisers when playing character for the first time, as they will tend to get caught up in the game and make bold character choices they wouldn’t usually make.
It’s also helpful for the host to learn “being in the shit” and being happy with making mistakes.
Additional Tips for Playing
- Guess lots and keep guessing. Don’t wait until you’ve got the right answer, have fun with getting it wrong.
- Justify why the guess was wrong.
- Play the scene of having a party while playing the game.
- Give focus to the host, don’t all talk at once.
- Have the guests interact to help the host out.
Show Introduction
“This game is called Party Quirks. One of the improvisers is hosting a party. When they come back they are hosting a party and have to guess the unusual characteristics of each guest.”
Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Hoopla courses we play this game in
Mostly in our level 1 course and also a bit in our level 2 course and super short-form course.
This exercise is in the following categories:
Making Mistakes
Justifying Mistakes
Short-Form Games
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Hoopla are the UK’s first improv theatre and the UK’s biggest improv school with fun and friendly improv shows and classes every day of the week in London and across the UK. We provide fantastic ongoing performing opportunities to students from our courses and a warm, welcoming and supportive community to help make improv for everyone.