Genre Cauldron

Genre Cauldron


Players gather round a cauldron. As they call out genres of film/plays/TV they throw tropes from that style into the cauldron.


If the genre is “Horror Movie” they could throw into the cauldron ‘Jump scares, high school jock, Phone disconnected / no coverage, red herring suspects, abandoned place, revenge, shadows, lights cutting out, tension music, blood and gore etc…’.

Teaching Purpose

This exercise really gets the neural pathways working in the right way for genre-based games such as Storyteller Die, Pan Left, Film Show and Genre Rollercoaster. This also helps people who are more unfamiliar with certain styles and gets them thinking about the cliches of certain genres which is where much of the comedy comes from in those games.


We learnt this from Katy Schutte.


This exercise is in the following categories:

Warm Ups

Being Obvious

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