Director’s Cut

Director’s Cut


The cast attempt to improvise a new movie. One of the players is the Director, who enters and tells them different approaches, random things to change etc.



Jacqueline: You’ve got this Jill we are nearly at the top.

Jill: Yes I can see it! Wait! Wait! my foot is stuck in a Rabbit hole!

Jacqueline: Hang on Jill I’m coming back down to help you!

Director: CUT! This is great but there are a lot of Rabbit holes and the rabbits are known for having rabies. Action!

Jill: Be careful Jackie!

Jacqueline: Don’t be scare Jill but the rabbits are heading our way.

Jill: Quick help me get out, we need to get out of here!

Director: CUT! Great but Jill you are starting to turn into a killer rabbit. Action!


Show Introduction

“This is called Director’s Cut. For this game we’re going to be on the set of a new movie! We’ll see the behind the scenes as the director shoots the movie. Can I get some suggestions for the title of this fictional movie? And a name for the director?”


Additional Tips for Playing

  • Try to speak in bold statements instead of being vague, that way the Director will be adding more fun things rather working to establish the scene.
  • Director’s suggestions should be fun for the players as well as the audience.
  • Have fun!


Hoopla courses we play this game in

Mostly in our level 2 course and also a bit in our level 1 course and super short-form course.



This exercise is in the following categories:


Yes And.

Support and Teamwork


Justifying and incorporating suggestions.

Short-Form Games




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Hoopla are the UK’s first improv theatre and the UK’s biggest improv school with fun and friendly improv shows and classes every day of the week in London and across the UK. We provide fantastic ongoing performing opportunities to students from our courses and a warm, welcoming and supportive community to help make improv for everyone.



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