Déjà vu
2 players do a scene from suggestion while 4 other are outside the room not able to listen to or see the scene.
When the scene is cut the audience chant “Déjà vu, Déjà vu, Déjà vu, Déjà vu”.
Two new players from outside the room run in.
When they re-enter, an audience member has 5 seconds to describe the scene that just happened.
The new 2 players try to re-enact the last scene based on the description.
When the scene is cut the audience chant “Déjà vu, Déjà vu, Déjà vu, Déjà vu”.
The two remaining players from outside the room run in.
When they re-enter, an audience member has 5 seconds to describe the scene that just happened.
The new 2 players try to re-enact the last scene based on the description.
Additional Tips for Playing
- It’s fun to have lots going on in the first scene, so the recap is really fast and the second players have a lot to work with.
- Re-enact the scene but have playing around with it and add more than the audience member said, and go past the point that they described.
- Fully commit to what the audience member said as if it is the best template for a scene ever.
Teaching Purpose
- Commitment.
- Play.
Show Introduction
“This is called Déjà Vu. This is called Déjà Vu. Four of our players are going to leave the room, the two who are left are going to do a scene. When the scene is finished the players who left will come back in. We’ll get someone from the audience to give a 5 second recap of the scene we just saw, and the players will do their version of the scene. To start the scene can I get a location?”
Brought to us by Sean McInerney, who we think learnt it at Second City.
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