Word Restriction

Word Restriction


Three players are individually given a specific number of words that make up their lines of dialogue. 


Improviser A ( 5 words) : Thank you for these flowers!

Improviser B ( 3 words) : For your garden.

Improviser C (1 word) : Birthday!

Improviser A: Yes its 50th Birthday today

Improviser c: Happy

Improviser B: Birthday to you

Improviser c: Happy

Improviser B: Birthday to you

Improviser C: Pub?

Improviser A: Of course our shots are waiting.

Improviser B: Gonna be ill.

Improviser C: tomorrow.

Improviser A: tomorrow, a whole day away!

Improviser B: Stay here for

Improviser C: Cake!

Improviser A: Cake then to the pub!


Show Introduction

“This game is called Word Restriction. The improvisers can only speak in a certain number of words. Can you shout out a number under 5? 2 great! Now a number between 5 – 10? 7 great! And a number between 10 – 20? 17 Brilliant! To get us started could I get suggestions of a non-geographical location?”


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