My Movie

This is a fantastic game we recently learnt from Phoebe Kozinets from Arizon, thank you Phoebe!

It’s an especially good game for opening a show as it features the whole cast in a rapid succession of scenes and characters that is really handy for warming up the cast and audience.

How the game works

All the cast are stood in a line across the stage.

The host gets two letters of the alphabet from the audience.

If the host points to a cast member they say a new movie title inspired by those two letters. When the host points to someone else they come up with a different movie title.

If the host holds their hands apart the improviser then expands on the movie title and says a brief synopsis for the movie.

If the host says “let’s see it” we then do an improvised scene from the movie.

The edit is the cast saying “my movie my movie my movie” and then we return to pointing and coming up with new movie titles.


Host: This game is called My Movie My Movie My Movie. If I point to one of the cast they have to come up with a brand new movie movie. If I go like this (holds hands apart) they have to describe the movie. If I say “Let’s See It” we see a scene from that film. Please can I get two letters of the alphabet to inspire these movies?

Audience: A! D!

Host points to improvisers and they come up with movie titles.

Improviser 1: Actually Derek!

Improviser 2: Arnold Duck!

Host holds hands apart.

Improviser 2: Arnold Duck! Arnold Schwarzenegger plays a Duck who is getting annoyed with the angry Geese who keep stealing the food from this family and…

Host: Let’s see it!

Improvisers 2 is joined on stage by Improvisers 3 and 4.

Improviser 3 (in Arnie accent): Give me your feathers, your eggs and your motorcycle.


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