Everyone stood in a circle.
One person walks across the circle to someone else and says “I need a….” followed by three things they need, the first things that come to them. The person they walk to then walks to someone else and uses the last thing said as the first thing in their list. This continues around the circle, speeding up as you go.
A: I need a fast car, I need some sunglasses and I need an open road.
B: I need an open road, I need a massive lorry heading in my direction, I need to scream.
C: I need to scream, I need to shout, I need to partyyyyy.
D: I need to party, I need tidy up afterwards, I need to settle down.
E: I need to settle down, I need some comfy slippers, I need a nice sofa.
Top Tips
- Say the first thing that comes to you.
- Don’t worry if you say something rude or wrong.
- Move quickly and say the things as you are moving.
- More than one happening at once.
- Speeding up as you go.
Teaching Purpose
- Spontaneity.
- Not judging each other.
- Warming up.