Word at a Time Story Description Two improvisers stood opposite each other make up a story together by saying a word at a time each. One player says the first word, the next says the second word etc. At first you can start with “Once, Upon, A, Time…” or “One, Day..” and then move on[…]
Pan Left Description A game of changing channels through TV. 4-6 actors on stage in a square like formation. Two actors near front of stage. Remaining actors are lined up along back of stage. Whatever two actors are at front is the scene we see at that time. When the host says “PAN LEFT” all[…]
Underscore Description Two actors on stage. They perform a scene in silence, no words or sound effects from them just movement and physical interaction. The scene is underscored by the host using movie sound tracks or other music played over the pa system. The actors match the emotion of the music and use the music[…]
New Choice / Change Description 2 improvisers up on stage. Whenever the director/host shouts “New Choice” (or “Change”) they have to change the last thing they said and then go along with that change in the scene. There may be multiple new choices in a row. Example Derek: Hello I’ve come to clean your windows.[…]