Free improv workshops for teachers and youth workers

Blog by Steve Roe, co-founder of Hoopla. Hoopla run improv classes, stand up comedy courses, shows and an improv theatre.

Twitter: @HooplaImpro. Facebook: HooplaImpro. Website: Email: [email protected].

We’ve been running improv workshops for over 10 years, but mainly for adults. We thought it would be fun to bring improv to a younger audience, as initially improv was designed for teenagers and young people.

We’re giving a couple of free places per course now to teachers or youth workers or similar, people who are interested in improv and would like to participate and learn more and then maybe pass it on to their own students.

The places are covered financially by our courses and corporate work, so you don’t need to apply for funding or anything. Also if you need any help setting up improv in your school I’m happy to help over email or phone or meet up before a course. This is part of a growing drive across the whole improv scene to improve diversity across the UK improv scene, opening up improv to different ages and backgrounds.

In Canada and New Zealand improv is now in almost every school, and is hugely successful in helping students work collaboratively and creatively together, as well as giving students more confidence.

Have a look at Canadian Improv Games (, as this gives a sense of how popular the improv in schools is over there. It’s also worth having a read of books like Impro by Keith Johnstone, or Improvisation by Viola Spolin, as these are classics on using improv to inspire creativity in education.

If you’re interested please email us at [email protected].


Blog by Steve Roe, co-founder of Hoopla. Hoopla run improv classes, stand up comedy courses, shows and an improv theatre.

Twitter: @HooplaImpro. Facebook: HooplaImpro. Website: Email: [email protected].

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