Edinburgh Blog 4: Music Box First Show

Edinburgh Blog 4


First show done, first flyering done, first pint had.

This feels soooo good and has released a feel-good sense of adventure within me where I just want to make more cool things happen. More good news is that the first show had an audience! I was fully prepared to perform to one man and his dog, but in the end there were a lot more than one man and no dogs.

We made up Lather the musical based on an audience suggestion of a car wash and featuring the song “Couldn’t Fit Quicker than a Kwik Fit Fitter”. I played a rich banker who had a love of red Fiat Puntos and the girl who worked in the car wash. For some reason I changed from American to posh British to myself to underdog throughout the musical, so a bit of character work needed, but other than that thought it was a fun musical.

Such a relief to get it done too, and the first show nerves are evaporated.

Also it was a hurdle getting over flyering. I don’t usually enjoy flyering but I found the Edinburgh people were lovely and actually up for me chatting about the show. They also found it funny that I was pictured on the flyer.

The C venues staff are really top notch – professional, friendly, switched on and are adding loads to the show.

So really happy overall for a great first day. Going out to a C venues party this evening, and then more of the same tomorrow.

Jon says: “Remember it’s not how many laughs you get, it’s how many girls you’ve got in your Cadillac.”

Thanks for that Jon, that’s really helpful.

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