Client and Student Interviews
Hoopla facilitator and teacher Liam Brennan interviewed a diverse range of Hoopla clients and students to ask how they’ve applied improv into their work life and businesses. Here’s what they had to say.

Amy Barstow: Veterinarian
Liam: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how improv has impacted your work?
Amy: I’m a vet but work teaching vet students. I think all communication skills sessions should now be improv based.
I can see the parallels between the listening skills that we try and teach our vet students and that we use in improv. I also think that it would help our students to play pet owners, farmers etc to help them think about the point of view and emotions that they may exhibit in different situations.
More broadly I think the confidence you build by getting up and improvising in front of people translates to veterinary consultations too. You don’t know what the animal is going to walk in with and so while you do have to think more in the vet consult mode, you do have to think quickly and give off a professional and confident vibe in your communication.
Finally, vetting is stressful. Improv; for me at least, is a great release from that to just mess around while building on the communication skills, confidence and self esteem that help me in my day to day job.